Lily Mitchell
Author | Background Actress | Poet
Lily Mitchell is an American novelist and published poet. She lives in a small town in Louisiana with her husband, son, and black cat, Nyx. She began writing and sharing stories online via Wattpad and Inkitt. She loves animals, being outdoors, spending time with her family, and getting immersed in a variety of novels. TETHERED SOULS is the first novel of her paranormal-romance The Tethered Series.In April 2009, she worked as an extra on "Persona," an indi film produced and directed by Brandi Albrittion.In June 2017, Lily was cast as an extra in "Cowboy and Indiana," a film produced in her hometown of Louisiana.Right now, Lily is currently writing the rest of her book series on her Wattpad account, and she hopes to publish them one day.Interested? Get in touch and click a link below!